Finding self-motivation

Finding self-motivation:

Finding Self-Motivation When You Just Don’t Feel Like It. Let’s be real with each other for a minute. Self-motivation is hard, and some days you wake up ready to do everything on your to-do list, and other days… well, you barely have the energy to get out of bed. I especially realize and understand this because I have chronic fatigue and Thyroid issues.
I’ve been there more times than I can count on both my fingers and toes, staring at what feels like a mountain of crap with absolutely zero desire to do any of it.
If that sounds like your everyday monologue in the mirror, I’m right there with you.
The truth is, waiting for motivation to magically appear doesn’t work.
It’s not something that just strikes like lightning, not something that just hits out of the blue, it’s something you have to actively create for yourself, even when you don’t feel like it, no wait, especially when you don’t feel like it.
The key is to start anyway, even if you’re dragging your feet. You don’t have to do everything all at once; just take one small step. If you’re putting off cleaning, start with one drawer. Working on a big research paper? Set a timer for 20 minutes and see what comes out. Don’t just stair at the blank document before you, just start typing and see what comes out! If you’re trying to work on a big project, work on like, one small part of it to get yourself started.
Most of the time, just getting started is the hardest part. Once you’re moving, it feels a little easier to keep going.

Remember Your “Why”

When motivation is nowhere to be found, it helps to remind yourself why you started in the first place. What do you want, make this all about yourself and your goals. If it’s a big research paper, why do you want to pass this class, what is after this class, if you get a passing grade, what do you have to look forward to? Think about the bigger picture—what’s the goal you’re working toward, and why does it matter to you? It’s not always something deep and life-changing. Maybe you’re motivated to work out because you want to feel good in your skin. Maybe you’re finishing a work project because it means you can finally relax without guilt or shame. Whatever your “why” is, hold onto it. When things get tough, that reason can help push you forward.

Let Go of False Perfection.
Another big ob stickle to self-motivation is perfectionism. You might feel like there’s no point in starting something if you can’t do it perfectly. But perfection is overrated, annoying, and just another barrier in your way.
It’s better to make progress, no matter how small, than to wait for everything to be just right. Also, find friends, classmates, or teachers to cheer you on.
The bottom line is perfection is the killer of self-motivation, and I understand that a lot because I’m a hard-core perfectionist.

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