
Random morning ramblings

Random morning ramblings of december 9th. Sitting in the living room, listening to Christmas music from the tv, and hearing partners mom singing it is one of my new favorite things. Though she’s not always on key, it’s a time where she seems happy and that’s what I like to hear/see. I decided to come Random morning ramblings

Setting healthy boundaries.

Setting healthy boundaries. Setting healthy boundaries can feel like one of the most challenging parts of maintaining relationships, whether with family, partners, friends, Peers, or coworkers. It’s normal to feel guilty or hesitant about setting limits, especially when you’re someone who naturally wants to please others, but boundaries are essential for emotional well-being. When you’re Setting healthy boundaries.

Finding self-motivation

Finding self-motivation: Finding Self-Motivation When You Just Don’t Feel Like It. Let’s be real with each other for a minute. Self-motivation is hard, and some days you wake up ready to do everything on your to-do list, and other days… well, you barely have the energy to get out of bed. I especially realize and Finding self-motivation

Happy November!

Get Ready for the Cozy Vibes and Gingerbread Tea! My favorite month, or one of my favorite months out of the entire year, is November, because it gives off such cozy vibes—and I am nothing if not a cozy vibes, fall/wintery type girly. There’s something about the days growing shorter and the chill in the Happy November!

The wisp Christmas lady.

The Wisp Christmas Lady Her small, slippered feet moved swiftly but silently down the smooth wooden stairs they’d polished just the night before. It was 3 AM, and this was her Christmas tradition — one she’d followed for years, ever since she was a slip of a girl. She was up, making coffee to keep The wisp Christmas lady.

A flowers life.

A flowers life In stillness deep, where waters thrive, A sadness keeps, a flowers life. Their tender hues, once bright and bold, Now fade beneath the waters dark clammy cold. As red or pink as a bleeding heart when their cycle ends, another must start. For love they sought in stories untold, A story of A flowers life.

The cost of silence.

Financial Abuse And The Vale Surrounding it. Financial abuse, its something that not a lot of people recognize as abuse as it doesn’t physically, emotionally, or sexually harm you in any way, though it can if it gets that deep. Some, who practice financial abuse are just in a bad place themselves, but it gives The cost of silence.

50 Facts!

50 Facts Hello all, Lauren here with 50 facts about me. Lets get going! What is your name? My online name is Lauren Celeste, or Shimmerscript. What does your name mean? Lauren means from the Laurel tree, which I like because it’s quite nature inspired, and Celeste is just, Celestial. Are you a dog person 50 Facts!